What Are the Three Best Foods to Eat for Hemorrhoids?
The topic of hemorrhoids may be a little gross to some individuals, but they’re important to talk about. The taboo of the topic shouldn’t take away from discussing the possible remedies and treatments available. So let’s set aside those parts of the equation for a few minutes and discuss the five best foods to help combat hemorrhoids at-home. Let’s begin.
First off, we all know that diet plays one of the biggest roles on our health. What we put in our body, we ultimately process through our internal organs. These foods end up affecting every part of our body, including our regenerative healing processes, our brain’s mental clarity, and much more. So, what foods can you eat to help alleviate the symptoms and discomfort of hemorrhoids?
Number one on the list is yogurt and kefir. Both of these options provide beneficial probiotics for your body to use in your gut. Choosing an option low in sugar is best. This good bacterium is used to help balance your gut biome, which also helps improve digestion and other processes in your body. It’s worth adding to your diet to see if it helps you prevent or treat your existing hemorrhoids.
Number two is both fruits and vegetables. The biggest reason why you want to include more fruits and veggies in your diet is because of the valuable nutrients, vitamins, and enzymes they contain. These can help strengthen your immune system, helping to ease constipation and reducing strain. High fiber, nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables include berries, apples, pears, avocados, broccoli and dark leafy greens.
Number three is whole grains. Whole grain choices provide more nutritional value, fiber, protein, and micronutrients. Avoid refined grains such as white flour. Fiber-rich options include yummy oatmeal, 100-precent whole-grain breads and cold cereals, as well as long-grain brown rice. As you can see, part of the recommendation pattern is upping your intake of fiber within your diet. This helps alleviate constipation and strain during your bowel movements.
Now, this is a food article, but we’re going to wrap things up with a bonus recommendation: drink more water. Most individuals are actually dehydrated, causing a myriad of negative health consequences within the body. Drink at least 64 ounces of water each day and adjust to your activity levels. Drinking enough water can help balance your energy, help your body’s natural detox processes work more efficiently, and alleviate constipation symptoms.
If diet and exercise changes aren’t enough to alleviate your symptoms, it may be beneficial to get more information about laser hemorrhoid treatment. Here at the Laser Hemorrhoid Treatment Center, our procedure confidence shines through in our work, backed by 25 years of Board Certified clinical experience. The process is gentle, noninvasive, and the healing time is much shorter than other similar treatments. Give our center a call today at 602.258.7003. We’d be glad to have you come in for a consultation to see how we can help.