The Advantages Of Laser Hemorrhoids Removal Over Conventional Surgery

In treating hemorrhoids, doctors can recommend several methods. Conservative approaches include adding more fiber to one’s diet, using creams, and soaking in a sitz bath. If these fail, your doctor can recommend the use of injections, banding, cauterization and surgery.

The surgical removal of hemorrhoids was introduced in the 19th century in Great Britain. Known as the Milligan-Morgan hemorrhoidectomy, the patient is put under general intubation anesthesia with the tubes aiding in the patient’s breathing. The surgery is conducted while the patient is in a prone position.

There are several disadvantages to this procedure. For one, patients with heart or lung conditions may experience difficulty while undergoing the treatment. Second, the treatment does not take into account the patient’s unique considerations. Post-surgery, many patients who have undergone this treatment report slow recovery and difficulty in eliminating wastes. This leads to a reliance on narcotics, which can further compound the problem. Another major issue raised by patients who have undergone Milligan-Morgan hemorrhoidectomy is urinary retention, which in some cases requires the placement of catheters.

One alternative to the Milligan-Morgan hemorrhoidectomy that has been deemed effective with fewer drawbacks is laser treatment. Laser hemorrhoids removal involves the use of an electrical current that passes through a sealed tube containing gases. This results in a beam of light to which red light is added. This light beam is used either to cut or vaporize the hemorrhoid.

In a laser treatment, the patient is asked to lie on his or her back. The difference here is the use of IV sedation instead of intubation general anesthesia. While asleep, a local anesthesia is injected to the anal area of the patient. From there, the doctor will use the laser beam to cut larger hemorrhoids and vaporize the smaller ones.

Unlike conventional surgery, laser treatment is considered as the more effective option. For one, more hemorrhoids can be removed while fewer tissues are damaged. This translates to less pain, faster recovery and fewer complications.

Laser treatment is an outpatient procedure and if you opt for it, you can go home immediately afterwards. It’s fairly common for patients to return to their normal routines within a week.

How effective is laser treatment? Out of a hundred patients who have undergone this procedure, less than one percent report the recurrence of hemorrhoids. Urinary retention, a common issue in conventional surgery, is fairly minimal and is prevalent only among men who have a history of prostate disease. Issues like infection, narrowing of the anus and the loss of the ability to control bowel movements are practically unheard of among patients who have opted for laser treatment.